Gioved' 24 gennaio - Seminario "Human Growth and Development" Stampa
mercoledì 23 gennaio 2008

Giovedì 24 gennaio 2008 alle ore 11
Aula 16 della Cittadella universitaria

Nell’ambito delle attività del Socrates Program Teaching Staff Mobility la prof. Esther Rebato Ochoa e la prof. Itziar Salces dell’Università  del País Vasco terranno un seminario dal titolo:

Human Growth and Development

The lecture is a general introduction on Human Growth and Development. 
It will start with an overview on the importance of population studies of growth from an anthropological perspective, then several general concepts will be defined (growth, development, maturation) and the main stages of human life cycle will be characterized. Stature will be mainly treated, as one of the best descriptors of postnatal growth. 
Finally some of the genetic and environmental factors influencing human growth will be considered in a global way. 

L' Universidad del País Vasco rientra tra le Università con le quali il CdL di Scienze Naturali ha un accordo Eramus attivo.