Elemento Grafico
Elemento Grafico
Dipartimento di Tossicologia
Elemento Grafico
Elemento Grafico
Elemento Grafico
Elemento Grafico
Elemento Grafico
Pubblicazioni del docente Acquas Elio

Curriculum Vitae, Studiorum,


1.     E. Carboni, E. Acquas, P. Leone, L. Perezzani and G. Di Chiara: 5-HT3 receptors antagonists block morphine-and nicotine-induced place-preference conditioning.  Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1988) 151: 159-160.

2.     E. Acquas, E. Carboni, P. Leone and G. Di Chiara: 5-HT3 receptors antagonists block morphine- and nicotine-but not amphetamine-induced place-preference conditioning.  Pharmacol. Res. Comm. (1988) 20, 12, 1113-1114.

3.     E. Carboni, E. Acquas, P. Leone and G. Di Chiara: 5HT3 receptor antagonists block morphine- and nicotine-but not amphetamine-induced reward.  Psychopharmacol. (1989) 97: 175-178.

4.     E. Carboni, E. Acquas, R. Frau and G. Di Chiara: Differential inhibitory effects of a 5HT3 antagonist on drug-induced stimulation of dopamine release. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1989) 164: 515-519.

5.     E. Acquas, E. Carboni, P. Leone and G. Di Chiara: SCH 23390 blocks drug-conditioned place-preference and place-aversion: anhedonia (lack of reward) or apathy (lack of motivation) after dopamine-receptor blockade?  Psychopharmacol. (1989) 99: 151-155.

6.     E. Acquas, E. Carboni, L. Garau and G. Di Chiara: Blockade of acquisition of drug-conditioned place aversion by 5HT3 antagonists.  Psychopharmacol. (1990) 100: 459-463.

7.     G. Di Chiara, E. Acquas and E. Carboni: Dopamine and drug-induced motivation. Advances in Biosciences, (1990) 77, 27-37, Eds. G.L. Gessa and G. Serra, Pergamon Press.

8.     E. Acquas, E. Carboni and G. Di Chiara: Profound depression of mesolimbic dopamine release after morphine withdrawal in dependent rats.  Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1991) 193: 133-134.

9.     G. Di Chiara, E. Acquas and E. Carboni: Role of mesolimbic dopamine in the motivational effects of drugs. Brain Dialysis and place-preference studies. The mesolimbic dopamine system: from motivation to action. (1991) 367-384, Eds. P. Willner and J. Scheel-Kruger, J. Wilney & Sons, Ltd.

10.            E. Acquas, E. Carboni, R.H.A. de Ree, M. Da Prada and G. Di Chiara: Extracellular concentrations of dopamine and metabolites in the rat caudate after oral administration of a novel catechol-o-methyl transferase inhibitor, Ro 40-7592.  J. Neurochem. (1992) 59, 326-330.

11.            E. Acquas and G. Di Chiara: Depression of mesolimbic dopamine transmission and sensitization to morphine during opiate abstinence.  J. Neurochem. (1992), 58, 1620-1625.

12.            G. Di Chiara, M. Morelli, E. Acquas and E. Carboni: Functions of dopamine in the extrapiramidal and limbic systems.  Arzneimittel Forschung Drug Research, 42 (I), 231- 237, Februar 1992 (2a)

13.            G. Di Chiara, E. Acquas and E. Carboni: Drug motivation and abuse: a neurobiologial perspective.  Annals of the “New York Academy of Sciences” (1992) 654, 207-219.

14.            E. Acquas, M. Meloni and G. Di Chiara: Blockade of d opioid receptors in the nucleus accumbens prevents ethanol-induced stimulation of dopamine release.  Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1993) 230: 239-241.

15.            G. Di Chiara, E. Acquas, G. Tanda and C. Cadoni: Drugs of abuse: biochemical surrogates of specific aspects of natural reward?  In: Biochemical Soc. Symp. (1993) 59, 65-81 - Wonnecot and Stolerman Eds., Portland Press, London

16.            E. Acquas, J. C. Day and H. C. Fibiger: The potent and selective dopamine D1 receptor agonist A-77636 increases cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine release in the rat.  Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1994) 260: 85-87.

17.            E. Acquas and G. Di Chiara: D1 receptor blockade stereospecifically impairs the acquisition of drug-conditioned place preference and place aversion.  Behav. Pharmacol. (1994) 5: 555-569.

18.            E. Acquas and H. C. Fibiger: Chronic lithium attenuates dopamine D1-receptor mediated increases in acetylcholine release in rat frontal cortex. Psychopharmacology (1996) 125(2), 162-167.

19.            G. Di Chiara, E. Acquas and G. Tanda: Ethanol as a neurochemical surrogate of conventional reinforcers: the dopamine-opioid link. Alchool (1996) 13 (1): 13-17.

20.            E. Acquas, C. Wilson and H. C. Fibiger: Conditioned and unconditioned stimuli increase frontal cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine release: effects of novelty, habituation, and fear. J. Neuroscience (1996) 16(9): 3089-3096.

21.            E. Acquas, C. Wilson and H. C. Fibiger: Non striatal dopamine D1 receptors regulate striatal acetylcholine release in vivo. J. Pharmacol. Exper. Ther. (1997) 281(1): 360-368.

22.            G. Di Chiara, G. Tanda, C. Cadoni, E Acquas, V. Bassareo and E. Carboni: Homologies and differences in the action of drugs of abuse and a conventional reinforcer (food) on dopamine transmission: an interpretative framework of the mechanism of drug dependence.  In: Advances in Pharmacology, (1998) Vol. 42, 983-987.

23.            E. Acquas, C. Wilson and H. C. Fibiger: Pharmacology of sensory stimulation-evoked increases in frontal cortical acetylcholine release. Neuroscience,(1998), 85 (1), 73-83.

24.            E. Acquas and H. C. Fibiger: Dopaminergic regulation of striatal acetylcholine release: the critical role of acetylcholinesterase inhibition. J. Neurochem. (1998), 70, 1088-1093.

25.            E. Acquas, S. Fenu, P. Loddo and G. Di Chiara: A within-subjects microdialysis/behavioural study of the role of striatal acetylcholine in D1-dependent turning. Behav. Brain Res. (1999), 103, 219-228.

26.            G. Di Chiara, G. Tanda, V. Bassareo, F. Pontieri, E. Acquas, S. Fenu, C. Cadoni and E. Carboni:  Drug addiction as a disorder of associative learning. Role of nucleus accumbens shell/extended amygdala dopamine. Ann N Y Acad Sci. (1999) Jun 29;877:461-85.

27.            G. Di Chiara, O. Giorgi ed E. Acquas: I Neurotrasportatori.  In:  Trattato di Farmacologia Generale. (1999)  UTET editore, 1999, 242-262.

28.            E. Acquas and G. Di Chiara:  Dopamine D1 receptor mediated control of striatal acetylcholine release by endogenous dopamine.  Eur. J. Pharmacol., (1999) 383(1), 121-127.

29.            E. Acquas and G. Di Chiara:  Local application of SCH 39166 reversibly and dose-dependently decreases acetylcholine release in the rat striatum. Eur. J. Pharmacol., (1999) 383(3) 275-279.

30.            E. Acquas: Molecular pharmacology and neuroanatomy of alcohol: translation into clinical practice.  In::  CRC Handbook of Alcoholism: Clinical and theoretical approaches . G. Zernig, A. Saria and M. Kurz, eds., CRC Press.(2000).

31.            E. Acquas, Pisanu A., Marrocu P. and G. Di Chiara:  Cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonists increase rat cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine release in vivo.  Eur. J. Pharmacol., (2000) 401, 179-185.

32.            P. Marrocu, A. Pisanu  and  E. Acquas:  Neurochemical mechanisms of dopamine-acetylcholine interactions.  Res. Adv. in Neurochem., (2000) 1, 35-41.

33.            E. Acquas, P. Marrocu, A. Pisanu, C. Cadoni, G. Zernig, A. Saria, and G. Di Chiara:  Intravenous administration of ecstasy (3,4-metylendioxymethamphetamine) enhances cortical and striatal acetylcholine release in vivo.  Eur. J. Pharmacol., (2001) 418, 207-211.

34.            E. Acquas, Pisanu A., Marrocu P., Goldberg S.R., and G. Di Chiara:  D9-tetrahydrocannabinol enhances cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine release in vivo:  a microdialysis study.  Eur. J. Pharmacol., (2001) 419, 155-161.

35.            E. Acquas and G. Di Chiara:  Role of dopamine D1 receptors in the control of striatal acetylcholine release by endogenous dopamine.  Neurol. Sci., (2001) 21(1), 41-42.

36.            S. Fenu, E. Acquas and G. Di Chiara:  Role of striatal acetylcholine on dopamine D1 receptor agonist-induced turning behavior in 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats:  a microdialysis-behavioral study. Neurol. Sci., (2001) 21(1), 63-64.

37.            C. Cadoni, A. Pisanu, M. Solinas, E. Acquas, and Gaetano Di Chiara:  Behavioural sensitization after repeated exposure to D9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cross-sensitization with morphine.  Psychopharmacology, (2001), 158(3), 259-266.

38.            E. Acquas, G. Tanda. P. Marrocu, A. Pisanu , and G. Di Chiara:  Effects of caffeine on dopamine and acetylcholine release and on short term memory function:  a brain microdialysis and spatial delayed alternation task study.  In:  Proceedings of the XIX Colloquium on Coffee Science, ASIC, (2001).

39.            M. Morelli, E. Acquas, and E. Ongini:  Dopamine–Adenosine interactions.  In:  Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol. X, (2002), Springer-Verlag,  Chapter 17,  pp. 135-150.

40.            E. Acquas, and G. Di Chiara:  Dopamine–Acetylcholine interactions.  In:  Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol. X, (2002), Springer-Verlag,  Chapter 15, pp. 85-115.

41.            E. Acquas, G. Tanda. P. and G. Di Chiara: Differential effects of caffeine on dopamine and acetylcholine transmission in brain areas of drug-naive and caffeine-pretreated rats.  Neuropsychopharmacology (2002), 27(2), 182-193.

42.             E. Acquas, A Bachis, R. Nosheny, I. Cernak, and I. Mocchetti:  Human Immunodeficiency Virus type I protein gp120 causes neuronal cell death in the rat brain by activating caspases.  Neurotox. Res. (2004), 5(8), 605-615.

43.             Di Chiara G, Bassareo V, Fenu S, De Luca MA, Spina L, Cadoni C, Acquas E, Carboni E, Valentini V, Lecca D.Dopamine and drug addiction: the nucleus accumbens shell connection.  Neuropharmacology (2004),  47 (Suppl 1), 227-241. 

44.            Nosheny RL, Bachis A, Acquas E and Mocchetti I:  Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 glycoprotein gp120 reduces the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in vivo: potential implication for neuronal cell death.  Eur. J. Neurosci. (2004), 20,  2857-2864.

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Elemento Grafico
Elemento Grafico
Elemento Grafico
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